In the treatment process of Diabetic Nephropathy, if patients are not
properly nursed, it can make the condition of Diabetic Nephropathy get worse.
Then, what factors can aggravate Diabetic Nephropathy? Here are some conditions
as follows:
1. Improper diet can aggravate the burden to kidney and make the condition of
proteinuria get worse. Patients should take a scientific diet according to their
conditions following doctors' advisement.
2.Hyperglycemia: high level of blood sugar can cause the condition of
glomerular hyperperfusion, hyperfiltration, which damages to glomerular
mesangium, basilar membrane, capillary endothelium. As a result, it promotes
renal pathological changes and makes the condition of Diabetic Nephropahty get
3.Hypertension can lead to the condition of decreased blood circulation of
kidney, increased renal internal pressure, which causes proteinuria,
glomerulosclerosis or Renal Failure. If Diabetes and Hypertension occur
together, they can form vicious circle.
4. Infection: for patients with Diabetic Nephropathy, any infection of virus
or bacterium such as cold, urinary infection and pneumonia can aggravate the
burden to kidney due to their poor resistance.
5. Medicine: medicine with renal toxicity or hormone can give rise to kidney
damage, patients should avoid taking them or follow doctors' advisement.
Patients with Diabetic Nephropathy, they should pay more attention to those
factors mentioned above, which can aggravate their condition in their daily
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