
The Causes and harm of the Increased and Declined of BUN

The causes of BUN increasing can be the following three conditions:

The first condition for BUN increasing is renal dysfunction caused by Acute Nephritis, Chronic Nephritis, Toxic Nephritis, serious pyelonephritis, Renal Tuberculosis, renal vascular sclerosis, congenital PKD and renal tumors. BUN increasing has an important role in diagnosing Uremia. The level of BUN increasing is consistent with the serious condition of disease. For example, at the stage of azotemia, BUN is above 9mmo/l, but at the stage of Uremia BUN can be more than 20mmol/l. So BUN increasing can help to evaluate which stage the disease's condition has developed into.

The second condition for BUN increasing:BUN will increase when the conditions come up such as CHF, serious burns, shock, alimentary canal hemorrhoea, dehydration, serious infection, diabetic acidosis, adrenocortical insufficiency and hepatorenal syndrome, etc.

The third condition for BUN increasing:Urinary tract obstruction can increase the pressure to renal tissue, which declines glomerulus filtration pressure. At this time BUN will increase. Calculus of both ureter and Urinary tract obstruction caused by prostatomegaly or oncothlipsis can lead to BUN increasing.Simple BUN increasing can be caused by over intake of protein food. It will soon recover to normal level by changing dietary structure, for example balancing the intake of protein, sugary food and vegetable.

The harm of BUN increasing:The normal level of BUN is 2.86-7.14 mmol/l. Once it is above the level, it is a higher state of BUN. For patients with renal insufficiency, their BUN will increase. But it is not the only clinical symptoms. Other clinical symptoms will represent such as serum creatinine increasing, blood pressure increasing, anorexia, bleeding gums, electrolyte disturbance, metabolic acidosis and abnormal urine text. So Renal Insufficiency can not be diagnosed only by BUN increasing.

Causes of BUN declining:

There are two factors causing the decline of BUN:

One, kidney disorders. The decline of BUN may be related with less intake of protein and pregnancy

Two,hepatic failure. Liver is an important metabolic organ of human being. Nutrient substance can not be normally absorbed.

Another case may be less intake of protein and the massive consumption of protein as a result of abnormal liver function.

Many factors can cause the decline of BUN. Therefore, when patients once are found a low level of BUN, they should go to the standard hospital and have a check. Low level of BUN should not generally be considered as kidney disorder, which scares patients. So in order to avoid being scared, patients should do liver function text first and take the corresponding medicine after diagnosis, which avoids blind treatment and saves time for treatment.

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