
What are the Symptoms and Treatment of Uremia

Uremia also refers to End Stage Renal Failure (ESRF). It is not an isolated disease, but is a series of complicated syndromes. It includes not only kidney injury, but also damages to other organs and tissues. The symptoms of Uremia are as follows:

1. Nerve system

The nerve system damage is a common symptom of Uremia. In the early stage of Uremia, the patients often have headache, fatigue, dizziness, impaired memory and so on. With the disease progression, they will have dysphoria, hyperspasmia and finally somnolence and even coma. These symptoms of Uremia are caused by damage to nerve caused by the accumulated toxins, the imbalance of acid-base and electrolyte and the renal hypertension.

2. Digestive system

The early symptoms of Uremia are poor appetite and bad absorption. Many patients just mistake them as symptoms of stomach diseases so they often miss the early therapeutic chance. With the aggravation of Uremia, the patients will have nausea, vomit and diarrhea. The possible cause of these symptoms of Uremia is that the urea composes into ammonia with the help of the urease of bacteria in the intestinal tract. Then ammonia stimulates gastrointestinal mucosa thus leading to inflammation and ulcer.

3. Cardiovascular system

For renal hypertension, acidosis, hyperkalemia, building-up of water and sodium, anemia and accumulated toxins and so on, the patients with Uremia are very likely to have heart failure, arrhythmia, and myocardial damage and so on.

4. Respiratory system

Respiratory system damage is also a common symptom of Uremia. When the patients have acidosis, they often breathe slowly and deeply. Some patients have urine smell in their mouth, which is caused by the composition of urea in the spittle by bacteria.

From the above article, it can be seen that the symptoms the above are the result of the decline in renal function. Therefore, the key of alleviating the symptoms of Uremia is to repair the damaged renal structures. In that way, their kidneys will be able to recover their normal function of filtration and barrier. Consequently, the series of Uremia symptoms will disappear.

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