
How to Treat Renal (Kidney) Cortical Cyst Effectively

Renal (Kidney) Cortical Cyst is one of Renal Cysts, which grows in renal cortex. Cortex is the outer region of kidneys, where glomeruli are located densely. Even if a small cyst may cause serious damage to the surrounding glomeruli. Therefore, an early effective treatment is very important for the patients with Renal Cortical Cyst.

In the conventional therapies, the patients mainly use operation to shrink the enlarged cysts. Although operation can alleviate the pain, high blood pressure and so on related to cysts, it still has many disadvantages. In addition, as the pressure to the kidneys decrease, the risk of bleeding also declines. However, the shrunk cysts empty more room for other small cysts so they will enlarge at a fast speed thus causing kidney damage once again. As the conventional therapies just treat the symptoms, they can not stop the decline in renal function fundamentally. For the patients with Renal Cortical Cyst should not only stop the cyst enlargement, but also shrink the big ones.

After many years’ researches and clinical practices, a new therapy: Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is introduced into the treatment of Renal Cortical Cyst.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a new development of traditional Chinese medicines. It is an external therapy and the effective integrants of medicines can enter into kidney lesions by blood circulation without absorption of stomach and intestinal tract. Therefore, the patients can avoid the problems such as irritation, inadequate abruption and so on caused by oral medicines. After the medicines enter into kidney lesions, they can restrain the cyst fluid secretion by the epithelial cells thus making them stopping enlarging. In addition, the medicines can dilate the blood vessels thus improving the permeability and blood circulation of cysts wall. After the differential pressure in and outside of the cysts changed, the cyst fluid will flow into blood vessels and then enter into urine. Finally, the cyst fluid will be discharged out of body in urine. As a result, the disease will stop progressing.

If you or your loved ones are Cortical Renal Cyst suffers and are tired of the present a new therapy, please email to kidney-treatment@hotmail.com.

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