
Notices on Diet after Kidney Transplant

After Kidney Transplant, the patients should pay more attention to their daily life so as to guarantee a good effect of Kidney Transplant. Here I will list some notices for the patients after Kidney Transplant and hope these are helpful for you.

1. Keep a low-salt diet

Besides keeping 1~2 days of fluid diet after Kidney Transplant, they should also keep a low-salt diet and keep the salt intake within 4~6 g/d. About 90% of the patients with End Stage Renal Failure have hypertension history and also have myocardial hypertrophy and even heart failure. After operation, most of the patients need using immunosuppressive agents, they often have high blood pressure in varying degrees. A low-salt diet is beneficial to the control of high blood pressure. Moreover, a low-salt diet also can alleviate the retention of water and sodium caused by immunosuppressive agents.

2. Limit the sugar intake strictly

The patients should keep proper sweet foods intake after operation and have fruits within 150~200 g/d and usually should not exceed 250g per day. If the patients use immunosuppressive agents over time, eating much sugar foods can induce Diabetes.

3. Limit bean products

Within 3~6 months after Kidney Transplant, the patients should avoid eating bean, bean products and eating too much high-protein foods such as fish, eggs, lean meat and beef. As in the recovery period of kidney, eating too much protein can increase too much burden to kidneys.

4. Keep proper cholesterol intake

Immunosuppressive agents may cause hyperlipidaemia thus leading to arteriosclerosis. Therefore, the patients should eat more light food and less greasy food. In addition, they should also limit food with high cholesterol such as yolk and animal offal.

5. Avoid having food that can help improve immunity

The patients after Kidney Transplant should avoid eating food or health products that can help them improve immunity. In some cases, the patients have food for improving immunity, which cause acute rejection reaction and then the transplanted lose its function.

In order to improve the function of transplanted kidney, the patients should pay more attention to their daily care and do as their doctors told them.

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