
Traditional Treatment Methods for Kidney Diseases

Traditionally, pure Chinese medicine or western medicine is used to treat a variety of kidney diseases. Either of the method can not guarantee a good result. It cannot control the illness condition or results in frequent recurrence of kidney diseases. Therefore, based on many years' experiments and clinical practices, Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital invented a new method to treat kidney diseases, called Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy.

Firstly, traditional pure western medicine can effectively remedy the symptoms of kidney disease, such as proteinuria, hematuria, high creatinine and so forth.
However, when patients catch a cold, infection, or get fatigue, these symptoms will recur easily. To solve the problem of kidney disease relapse, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy focus on eliminating the root cause. The cause of disease is the damages of renal functional intrinsic cells and tissues due to immune complex, causing gradual loss of renal function. Micro-Chinese Medicine can remove the immune complexes effectively, repair the damaged renal inherent cells and tissue, and rebuild the renal function. If the kidney function recovers, the illness will not recur.

Secondly, traditional Chinese herbal medicines are always made into powders, pills, or decoction, and taste bitter. These medicines also take effects very slowly. Long-term application will lead to digestive ailments. Pure western medicines like hormones, immunosuppressive drugs have some troublesome side effects. Micro-Chinese Medicine is a external application without any side effects, so the above problems can be solved.

As an integrated Western medicine and Chinese medicine, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can help us avoid the incompetent sides of traditional treatment methods of kidney diseases. After micro-processing the selective Chinese herbal medicines into granules, they are permeated into kidney lesion, and then play the function to dilate blood vessels, anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation, and degrading extracellular matrix, thus achieving the goal of treating damaged kidneys.

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