
Best Treatment for Childhood Nephrotic Syndrome: Immunotherapy

Childhood Nephrotic Syndrome, also known as nephrosis or Minimal Change Disease, is an illness in which the kidneys loses protein, which is spilt out through the body in the urine. In this circumstance, protein levels in the blood drop and water moves into tissues of the body, resulting in swelling. The frequency of urination also decreases and weight gain may happen.

Common causes of Childhood Nephrotic Syndrome

This disease can be cause by many factors among which the commonest one is infection of the upper respiratory tract, such as cold, pharyngitis, amygdalitis and so forth. After getting affected by an respiratory tract infection, Nephrotic Syndrome can be induced one to four weeks later.

Let's learn about the mechanism in details. When your child catch a cold, the immunocyte within the body will be activated to devour bacteria and virus that enter into body so as to fight off the germs and keep a healthy state. During this course, certain type of antibodies come into being and then become dead after this process. For children with less immunocyte and low immune ability, the immunocyte fail to devour the germs but bind with them temporarily, forming immune complex. Through blood circulation, the immune complex will arrive at the kidneys and then deposit on the glomerular basement membrane, causing kidney impairment. Massive proteins will pass through the glomerular filtration membrane, leading to Nephrotic Syndrome eventually.

In 2012, the best treatment for childhood Nephrotic Syndrome is immunotherapy. Then what's the curative effects of immunotherpay? It can guarantee a satisfactory treatment effects as follows:

● Prevent the progress of the illness-with the newest western medicine

● Clear up the immune complex-with external use of Chinese herbal medicine, known as Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

● Repair the damaged glomerular basement membrane and restore the kidney functions-with the most advanced Immunotherapy, which isn't a surgery but a kind of intravenous injection.

● Eliminate the toxins-with immunoadsorption, plasma exchange, blood purification.

Immunotherapy is a systemic therapy and one or combined above treatments are applied.

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