
Treatment for Kidney Fibrosis

Kidney fibrosis is a pathological and physiological changing process, in which the kidneys are impaired gradually until they fail completely. Therefore, reversing kidney fibrosis plays a crucial role in stopping renal function decline.

How does kidney fibrosis occur?
The human body has a powerful immune system. However, for immune dysfunction, the immune system can not tell the foreign pathological substance and the healthy cells and tissues in body. As a result, the antibodies produced by immune system attack the healthy renal cells and tissues, which is hypersensitivity.
If the hypersensitivity is not inhibited effectively, it will cause inflammation in kidneys. As a result, the renal intrinsic cells are impaired by the inflammation. In the advanced stage of Kidney Disease, increased extracellular matrix produces in kidneys, which can cause scarring and renal parenchymal sclerosis in kidneys thus resulting in Renal Failure.

How to treat kidney fibrosis?
After the above analysis of kidney fibrosis cause, the treatment should suppress inflammation, clear up extracellular matrix and restoring the impaired renal intrinsic cells.
The application of immunotherapy has showed enormous effect in inhibiting renal fibrosis. Immunotherapy is a combined therapy integrating modern western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine.
In immunotherapy, blood purification can clear up the harmful substances in blood so as to stop them from attacking the healthy renal tissues and cells.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can dilate blood vessels. In this way, it can increase the blood supply to kidneys and improve microcirculation. Also it can degrade extracellular matrix. In this way, it can relieve renal ischemia and anoxia so as to improve renal function.
You can consult us on line to get more information about the treatment of kidney fibrosis.

Learn More: Renal Fibrosis Treatment Is Important for Patients with Kidney Disease

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