
Can Patients with Lupus Nephritis Eat Mango

Mango is rich in nutrients and it is helpful in preventing high blood pressure and clearing harmful stuffs in intestines and stomach. However, things that should avoid by lupus nephritis patients, the patients with Lupus Nephritis should remove mango from their daily diet.

Lupus is an autoimmune disorder, which means that the immune system attacks the healthy tissues and organs in body mistakenly. There are many pathological antibodies in their body. If the outside germs, virus etc invades into body, the antibodies will be activated thus causing allergic response in body.

Mango is very likely to cause allergic reaction. Therefore, the patients with Lupus Nephritis should avoid eat it.
Besides mango, the patients should limit the consumption of the following fruits.
Fruits high in potassium
If the potassium level is too high, it will cause irregular heart beat and even heart failure. The common foods high in potassium mainly include banana, oranges, peaches etc.

Fruits rich in phosphorus
The damaged kidneys will not be able to filter phosphorus normally. The high phosphorus in blood will pull calcium from bone thus resulting in osteoporosis. The patients with renal insufficiency are recommended to strict the phosphorus intake to 1000 mg per day.
Meanwhile, the patients with Lupus Nephritis, especially those with renal insufficiency should keep the following dietary principles.

1. Low high-quality protein diet
They should take proper low high-quality protein diet such ash lean meat, egg white. Meanwhile, they should remove the vegetable proteins from their diet such as peanut, sunflowers, nuts etc.
2. High-vitamin diet
Vitamin takes part in the metabolic activity in body. If the body can not get sufficient vitamin supply, it will cause dysmetabolism. If the kidney function declines, it will change the dysmetabolism in body, especially when patients need hormone over time. Therefore, the patients should increase the intake of fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin and fruits.

In addition, alcohol and nicotine can cause damage to kidney arteries thus aggravating the sclerosis of kidney arteries and glomeruli. Therefore, the patients should control smoking and drinking strictly.
The above are the general dietary principle for patients with Lupus Nephritis. If you want to get your personalized diet, you can send email to us at renalhealth@hotmail.com.

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