
Is There Any Other Treatment for Childhood Nephrotic Syndrome than Hormone

Frequent relapse of Child Nephrotic Syndrome torments all of the parents. Facing the huge adverse effects of hormone like slow development, high blood pressure, swelling face and so on, the parents can not bear the sufferings to their children any longer and begin to look for a natural treatment.

Hormone treatment is commonly used in treating Childhood Nephrotic Syndrome. However, once the hormone dosage is reduced, the symptoms like proteinuria, swelling, high blood pressure will return soon. The relapse of Childhood Nephrotic Syndrome becomes the toughest problem for the doctors, but the conventional therapy still can not solve the problem yet. In order to achieve a good therapeutic effect, it is essential for us to know the underlying cause of Childhood Nephrotic Syndrome.

Immune deficiency plays the major role in Childhood Nephrotic Syndrome. The body immune system can not protect the body from the foreign pathological substances. When virus, bacteria or other pathological materials invade into body, the antibodies are activated to defeat them immediately. However, in some cases, the immune system is activated improperly. As a result, the antibodies encounter and bind to antigens in blood forming immune complexes. Afterwards, these immune complexes flow into kidneys with blood circulation and deposit in glomerular basement membrane. The body will trigger an inflammatory response to remove the immune complexes out of body. The inflammatory response will impair glomerular basement membrane and improve its permeability. Consequently, the protein will leak into urine. In clinic, the children will present a series of symptoms like proteinuria, swelling in leg and ankle, low protein level in blood, etc.
For the ineffectiveness and huge adverse effects of hormone therapy, many doctors are devoted to seeking for a natural effective treatment for Childhood Nephrotic Syndrome. After many years’ researches, a new therapy is introduced into the treatment of the disease. It is Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy .The main medicine integrants in Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy are natural herbs so they do not have any adverse effect on children. (The Safe Nephrotic Syndrome in Children Treatment)

On one hand, the effective medicines in Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can degrade the immune complexes and make them dissolve in blood. Finally, they will be passed out into urine through systemic circulation. Hence, the cause of kidney inflammation is eliminated.
Also Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can dilate blood vessels. Therefore, it can improve renal blood flow thus improving renal ischemia and anoxia. Once the renal blood flow increases, the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) will also improve accordingly. Moreover, the improved blood circulation can increase the secretion of metabolic products. The patients can see their urine will become cloudy and contain floc by naked eyes after the application of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy.
In addition, Micro-Chinese Medicine can provide some growth factors which can promote the self-repairing of the damaged kidneys and improve the immunity.
Once the kidneys are repaired well and the immunity dysfunction is corrected, the chidren will be able to get rid of hormone and avoid relapse of Nephrotic Syndrome.
All parents hope their children can grow healthily and are eager their children can recover as soon as possible. For more information about the therapy, you can email to pkddoctor@hotmail.com. below or consult us on line.

Learn More: Diet Suggestions for Children with Nephrotic Syndrome

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