
Life Expectancy of Stage 5 Kidney Disease without Dialysis

In stage 5 kidney disease, the kidneys are damaged badly so they can not function normally to filter blood or secrete hormone. As a result, a large amount of metabolic toxins build up in body which can affect multiple body systems like brain, heart, blood system etc. These diseases will certainly affect the patients’ life expectancy. Many people have to require dialysis to survive.

However, many people are reluctant to start dialysis for its huge side effects and discomforts on them. So what is the life expectancy of stage 5 kidney disease without dialysis?

In fact, there is no a fast or general answer to this question. If the toxins level is too high, the patients may die in a very short time. However, if they can receive proper treatment to recover the normal filtration function of their native kidneys, they will be able to enjoy a normal life just as other common people.

In China, the combination of Immunotherapy and traditional Chinese herbal medicine plays a vital role in extending the life expectancy of people with stage 5 kidney disease.

Kidney damage is attributable to the necrosis and damage of the renal intrinsic cells. In stage 5 of kidney disease, most of the cells are necrotic. Therefore, to improve renal function, it is the key to restoring the damaged cells and replacing the necrotic ones with new cells.

Chinese herbal medicine can dilate renal arteries thus increasing the blood supply to kidneys. When blood flow through kidneys, it not only relieves the renal ischemia and anoxia, but also brings necessary nutrients. In addition, the improved blood circulation can promote the excretion of the metabolic products thus creating a favorable environment for the application of Immunotherapy.

In a word, the life expectancy of stage 5 kidney disease is mainly up to what therapy they choose and when to receive treatment. So, to live a normal life, action now.

Learn More: What Are the Foods Forbidden for Patients with Stage 5 Kidney Disease

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