
Does Urine Occult Blood Imply Kidney Disease

Urine occult blood is a clinical symptom in Kidney Disease. Therefore, once some persons are inspected to have urine occult blood in their physical tests, they worry it so much. However, does urine occult blood definitely imply Kidney Disease?

In normal case, there are no red blood cells in urine at all. If the occult blood appears in urine, the persons should pay more attention to the abnormality for it may be a sign of kidney problem or other problems.

Generally speaking, the causes of urine occult blood can be divided into three types: inflammation, stone and tumor.

As for inflammation, Glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, urocystitis etc, they can cause occult blood along with hematuria in urine.

What worry the persons most is urine occult blood resulted from Kidney Disease. That is because if the kidney problem is not eliminated as early as possible, it will develop progressively into Chronic Kidney Disease and even Renal Failure.
No matter what kind of stones such as kidney stone, ureter stone or bladder stone, they all may cause urine occult blood. In other cases like menstruation, constipation also may give rise to urine occult blood.

In addition, tumor is also a common cause of urine occult blood such as kidney, bladder or ureter benign or malignant tumors. Hypertrophy of prostate is a common tumor among the elderly men and it can trigger ureter infection.

Once you are diagnosed with urine blood occult, you should not feel panic. Primarily, you should go to do test and find the exact cause. If it results from physiological causes, once the stress situation passes, the urine occult blood will also disappear afterwards. However, if it is related to pathological causes, you should receive treatment as early as possible.

Learn More: How to Deal with Blood in Urine for PKD Patients

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