
Personalized Treatment for Lupus Nephritis

Kidney Disease Hospital in China is the biggest specialized kidney disease hospital in the world. They combine traditional Chinese medicine and advanced Immunotherapy together perfectly to form the most effective and advanced therapy in the world. The experts here can customize an effective option with the least invasiveness on your body.

If you are diagnosed with Lupus Nephritis, your doctor will discuss the best options to treat it. This mainly depends on your renal damage, other diseases and your overall health.

After the experts assess your disease conditions, one or more of the following therapies may be recommended to treat Lupus Nephritis.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a new application of traditional Chinese medicine which originates from the ancient China. It is an external therapy so it gets rid of all the disadvantages of oral medicine such as bitter taste, stimulation to stomach and intestinal tract, efficiency loss during boiling etc.
The effective medicine can be penetrated into kidney lesions directly from renal region with the help of modern instrument. So the effective medicine integrants can be absorbed by body completely.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can stop Lupus Nephritis progression by its curative effects including anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation, and degradation. Also, it can also provide some nutrients for restoring the impaired filters in kidneys.
If you have been diagnosed with Lupus Nephritis, we’re here to help. You can leave a message below to get more help.

Learn More: Can Stage 3 Lupus Nephritis Be Reversed

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