
Life Expectancy of Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD)

How to live a long life with Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD)? The life expectancy of Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) has close connection with cysts controlling. If cysts on kidney are controlled well,people with PKD will live a long life. How to control cysts growing and have a long life? Following are some suggestions. Take a look.

Early stages of Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD)

Cysts on kidney are small in early stages. Normally special treatment is not needed. But different habits in life have different effects on growing of cysts. Then your life expectancy may be different from others. Therefore try to have a healthy and regular life. We give follwing suggestions.

Daily health care of Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD)

What you eat can have a real effect on how fast the condition progresses. Before you have symptoms of the disease, start following a renal diet anyway. We can use diet to slow development of PKD. It is suggested to have alkaline plant based diet (Alkaline foods generally are fruits and vegetables). That is low salt, low-protein but high quality diet with drinking adequate water. In a study, it shows a well managed low protein diet can give PKD patients an average of nearly one year without dialysis in cases where dialysis would have been needed.

Patients with PKD should control blood pressure effectively.

Be careful when you take medications. Some medications are toxic to kidney. It would help to pay a visit to your doctor.

Regular physical examination is needed.

Big cysts treatment

We suggest not have a lot of surgeries. Many patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease think they can be treated by surgeries such as LRCD or Aspiration. Indeed, after the surgeries, your emergent conditions could be remitted. But you need to know how many cysts there are. Do many surgeries could lead to damages of renal function. Serious conditions like Renal Failure may present.

Natural treatment

Chinese medicine treatment-Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

There are some reasons that we recommend Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy
All ingredients of Chinese medicine are herbs. Therefore you don’t need to worry about side effects. Chinese medicine has a history of thousands of years. In recent decades, it is developing well and accepted by more and more people around the world.

You could try to know more information about Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy.
2. Above daily health care is suitable for this condition.

More tips

Prevent traumas.

Keep a good state of mind.

In a word, try to prevent all factors that could stimulate cysts growing.

Although a cure for autosomal dominant PKD is not available, proper treatment and daily health care can prolong your life. You can live a normal life.

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