
Chronic Nephritis Common Sense

Many factors can cause Chronic Nephritis which refers to the pathological change of glomerulus. Statistics showed that about 15%-20% Chronic Nephritis is derived from Acute Glomerulonephritis. The most commonly seen symptoms of Chronic Nephritis include high blood pressure, edema and abnormality in urine. The symptom of hypertension will occur in patients with Chronic Nephritis sooner or later. And the increase of blood pressure can be either persistent or intermittent, with the increase in diastolic pressure as the feature. The degree of high blood pressure may be different between different people.

The abnormality is almost the necessary symptoms of Chronic Nephritis patients, including the change of urine volume and color. Patients with edema have less and less urine while patients without edema have normal urine volume. When patients have acute attack of Chronic Nephritis, there is apparent hematuresis, even macroscopic hematuresis. Besides, Chronic Nephritis patients may have the clinical symptoms such as dizziness, insomnia, fatigability, and anemia.

The patients with mild Chronic Nephritis just have edema on the face, around eyes after getting up in the morning or have edema on the lower extremities and ankles, even the worse one with edema all over the body.

In daily life, patients with Chronic Nephritis should pay more attention to their diet. Improper diet often imposes burden on kidney and induces the further renal damage, which persistently aggravate the ill condition. The requirement “Two low” for Chronic Nephritis patients refers to low protein and low fat and “two high” refers to high heat and high vitamin.

Chronic Nephritis patients should not overwork, mentally or physically and have to have a good rest. Otherwise it will cause metabolic disorder and imposes burden on kidneys until the kidneys are damaged.

When people have got Chronic Nephritis, they have to treat it timely and effectively to prevent it from becoming Renal Failure. For more information about Chronic Nephritis, you can contact our experts online or email us. We are glad to help you.

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