Kidneys are remarkable organs. Inside them are millions of tiny blood vessels
that act as filters. Their jobs are to remove waste products, produce certain
hormones, and regulate the level of chemicals in blood. When these vital organs
stop working, it can lead to coma, other organ failure or even death.
Recognizing the signs and symptoms of kidney shutdown can help us take prompt
treatment so as to ensure a better prognosis.
Urinary changes
Changes in urine can be the first sign of kidneys shutting down. If your
kidneys are failing, you may have:
▪ Darker urine that normal ▪ Blood in urine
▪ A foul or pungent odor of urine ▪ Decreased urine output
Fluid retention
Swelling in places like extremities or around the eyes can be caused by the
kidneys' fail to remove excess water from the blood. This swelling is called
edema. Patients may experience swollen ankles or fingers, especially when you
have standing or sitting for a long period of time.
Healthy kidneys release a hormone that stimulate the production of red blood
cells. These cells carry oxygen molecules to each part of the body through
blood. Then the oxygen can be applied to carry on cell's biological processes.
In case of kidney shutdown, fewer red blood cells are produced, leading to low
oxygen count in blood, or Anemia. Symptoms of anemia may include fatigue,
dizziness, pale skin, chest pain, headache, and cold hands and feet.
High blood pressure
The kidneys release hormones that help maintain blood pressure. When kidneys
shutdown, blood pressure can rise. High blood pressure can be both a cause and a
sign of kidney failure. Hypertension can destroy the capillaries in the kidneys
and cause renal shutdown.
Besides, individuals with shutting down kidneys may also suffer from chest
pain, confusion, seizure, coma, etc.