A blood urine nitrogen, or BUN, test along with creatinine levels are
normally recommended to evaluate and measure how well our kidneys are working.
For individuals affected by kidney disease, they may have elevated levels of BUN
and creatinine. Is there any effective way to bring these abnormal results
within normal ranges?
Creatinine is a waste product produced by the muscle, and most of them in the
body is removed by the kidneys. So, the levels of blood creatinine can indicate
how well the kidneys are functioning. Normal ranges are 1.8~1.4 mg/dL.
Urea nitrogen is a waste product that forms when the body breaks down
protein. It travels through the body in the blood, reaches the kidneys, and is
removed by the body. A BUN test can measure the amount of urea nitrogen in the
blood. The normal ranges are 7~20 mg/dL.
For individuals with kidney disease, high creatinine and urea level in blood
may appear due to impaired renal function. Therefore, corresponding treatment
should focus on eliminate the underlying causes of kidney damage as well as
restoring the renal function.
Most of kidney diseases (>95%) occur as a result of abnormal immune system
or immune dysfunction. Due to the existence of abnormal immune reaction, the
pathogenic foreign bodies that invade into the body cannot be removed in time.
These harmful substances with bind with antibodies, forming immune complex. Over
time, more and more immune complexes will be produced and then deposit in the
kidneys, causing damage to the renal function. Patients will be detected to have
high creatinine and increased urea level in blood.
In western medicine, there is not yet an effective way to remove the immune
complex deposits. The kidney experts in our hospital create an effective therapy
through combining Chinese medicine and western medical technology. That is
Immunotherapy. So far, it is the best treatment for a wide range of kidney
disorders. This therapy also have extraordinary effects on reducing high
creatinine and urea level in blood for kidney patients. Are you still looking
for better therapy for your condition? Immunotherapy is undoubtedly the right