
Natural Treatment for Fatigue in IgA Nephropathy

Fatigue is the dominant complaint of most people with IgA Nephropathy, which can be overwhelming. At times, it may be accompanied with a sore throat, fever, or headache. Typically, the fatigue goes together with incidents of blood and protein in the urine. Treatment for this condition often varies with different causes.

What causes fatigue in IgA Nephropathy?

In general, there are several reasons that can lead to this condition as following:

▪ Anemia, a shortage of oxygen-carrying red blood cells.

People with kidney problems often have anemia because damaged kidneys produce less of a hormone called erythropoietin, or EPO. EPO tells the bone marrow to make new red blood cells. Without a fresh supply of red blood cells, the body has less oxygen. This makes patients more tired and cold, and less able to focus and fight disease.

▪ Lifestyle factors, such as alcohol use or abuse, caffeine use, excessive physical activity, inactivity, lack of sleep, unhealthy eating habits, etc. Besides, certain medications may also cause drowsiness or fatigue, including blood pressure medicines, steroids, diuretics and so forth.

▪ Mental healthy problems, such as anxiety, depression, grief, and stress.

How to treat fatigue in IgA Nephropathy naturally?

1. Find a standard treatment to repair the damaged kidneys and restore the renal function. Nowadays, the newest therapy for this disease is known as Immunotherapy. As a holistic treatment, this treatment can eliminate the symptoms of IgA kidney disease, prevent the progressing, recover the kidney function, and regulate the overall immune system.

2. Quit the unhealthy living habits and develop a healthy lifestyle can help relieve the discomfort in a certain degree.

3. Maintain a good mental state and keep a positive attitude toward overcoming the illness through receiving vigorous treatment.

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