
When Should Patients with Renal Failure Begin Renal Dialysis

When should I begin renal dialysis? All patients with Renal Failure are all concerned about this issue. Although renal dialysis can help patients excrete the toxins and wastes in their bodies effectively, it also can cause many side effects on patients. Therefore, the patients with Renal Failure should choose a proper time to begin renal dialysis.

Renal dialysis therapy can put much financial burden on patients. What’s more, it also can cause a series of serious complications such as low blood pressure, infection, muscle cramps and so on. However, if they delay renal dialysis, the patients may have many complications of Uremia thus influencing their prognosis. Therefore, the patients with Renal Failure should begin renal dialysis before their disease develops into critical stage and when the damage to other organs caused by Uremia is still irreversible and should not delay dialysis until they have had serious complications of Uremia. The following article lists some indications for dialysis.

1. The patients have uremic symptoms such as itching, vomit, nausea, fatigue, poor appetite, and decline in body weight and so on.

2. The patients with Renal Failure have serious high blood pressure, obvious edema, or heart failure caused by retention of water and sodium;

3. The patients have serious electrolyte disturbance, especially when blood potassium level exceeds 6.5mmol/L or have acidosis( PH<7.1);

4. The patients with Renal Failure have the hemorrhagic tendency or have uremic encephalopathy, peripheral neuropathy and so on.

5. Generally speaking, the non-Diabetes patients should begin dialysis when their creatinine clearance rate is less than 10ml/min. However, the patients with Diabetes should begin dialysis earlier when their creatinine clearance rate is below 15 ml/min.

The above article just has provided the reference indications. The patients with Renal Failure should make their dialysis plan under their doctors’ guidance appropriately.

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