
Diet for Patients with Nephritic Syndrome

A healthy diet is an important assistant therapy in treating Nephritic Syndrome. Therefore, the patients should adjust their dietary habits properly according to the specific characteristics of the disease.

1. As the patients with Nephritic Syndrome often have edema in gastrointestinal mucosa and ascitic fluid, it can influence digestion and absorption. Therefore, the patients with Nephritic Syndrome should eat more digestible, light and semifluid food.

2. When patients suffering from Nephritic Syndrome, they will lose a huge amount of protein in urine thus causing insufficient protein in body, which can cause indolent edema and afterwards it can cause the immunity to decline. Therefore, the patients should keep 1~1.5 grams/kg of high quality protein intake per day such as lean meat, fish and so on before they develop into Renal Failure.
However, high intake of protein also can increase renal blood flow and raise glomerular filtration rate thus making glomerular blood capillaries stay under a high pressure. At the same time, high intake of protein also can cause proteinuria to increase, which can accelerate glomerulosclerosis. Therefore, the patients with Chronic Nephritic Syndrome should keep protein intake within 0.7~1g/kg per day. Moreover, if the patients have chronic renal damage, they should decline their protein intake to 0.65g/kg per day.

3. As the patients with Nephritic Syndrome usually have hyperlipemia, it can cause arteriosclerosis, glomerular damage and glomerulosclerosis. Therefore, the patients should limit the intake of animal offal, fatty meat, seafood and other food containing fat and cholesterol.

4. Besides a huge loss of protein in urine, the patients with Nephritic Syndrome also lose much micronutrients and hormone that combining with protein, which can cause the insufficiency of calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron and other micronutrients. Therefore, the patients should supply those micronutrients properly from food containing abundant vitamins such as vegetables, fruits and so on.

A healthy diet is an effective way in declining damage to kidney damage for patients with Nephritic Syndrome. Therefore, the patients should pay more attention to what they eat and develop a healthy dietary habit.

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