
What is the Best Way to Treat Nephrotic Syndrome

Nephrotic Syndrome is not an independent kidney disease, but it is a set of symptoms caused by various reasons. It is characterized by high levels of proteinuria, low levels of proteins in blood, swelling and increased levels of lipid, which is called “There Highs and One Low” in clinic.

Once Nephrotic Syndrome is identified, patients should receive follow up treatment. Generally, most hospitals will adopt hormone to treat it, which can be effective to some extent in the early stage of the disease. However, as the development of the disease, the effect of hormone declines greatly. Some patients even present proteins and occult blood again when inducements happen after they become negative. What worries those patients is side effects and complications will develop when long-time using hormone in a large amount.

The application of only western medicine can not reach a good effect that is why many people choose Chinese medicine. However, many patients who have used Chinese medicine have the experience that they are not greatly effective in a short time although with a large dose. Some materials in Chinese medicine really have the function to treat kidney disease. However, medicine can not be absorbed directly by the lesions in kidney when taken orally, leading to the consequences of taking effect very slow and even no effect.

Experts from Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital have developed “Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy” to treat kidney disease after long-time practices and researches clinically. In this method, the Chinese medicine can be permeated into the damaged lesions in the kidneys. Micro-Chinese Medicine can enlarge blood vessels and improve blood circulation of kidneys. In this way, the renal ischemia and anoxia can be reversed thus decreasing the further damage to kidney cells. At the same time, the active ingredients of Chinese medicine also have the following functions:

1. Strengthening the metabolic function of kidney cells, spurring the phenotypes transformation of damaged intrinsic cells thus preventing the further damage to kidney intrinsic cells.

2. The effective integrants of Chinese medicines can regulate the immunity thus preventing the further immune-mediated damage to the glomeruli.

3. The active substances of Chinese medicine also have the following functions: inactivating the renal toxicity factors such as inflammatory mediators, cytokines and growth factors; reducing the infiltration of inflammatory cells; decreasing the number of growth factors and chemokines; reducing inflammatory reactions and reversing them to normal metabolic functions.

4. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can promote the apoptosis of myofibroblast and immune complexes thus preventing the continuous excretion of ECM.

5. The Chinese medicines can increase the production of degrading enzymes in kidneys and spur the degradation of ECM thus reducing the damage to kidney tissues.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy treats Nephritic Syndrome from its root cause so the patients can improve their renal function to great extent.

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