
Clinical Symptoms of Purpura Nephritis

Purpura Nephritis is a kind of renal damage caused by allergic purpura. Renal damage often occurs in four weeks of skin purpura. Besides renal damage, the patients also show a series of other clinical symptoms.

1. Proteinuria and hematuria

When the patients with allergic purpura begin to have hematuria and proteiuria, it proves that they have had renal damage. The incidence of gross hematuria is very high, especially among children. Moreover, the patients with Purpura Nephritis are also accompanied with proteinuria and even have mass proteinuria and Nephritic Syndrome. In addition, the patients also may have edema, hypertension and renal damage. A minority of patients may have Acute Renal Failure.

2. Skin damage

The patients with Purpura Nephritis have purpura in their limbs, especially outer of lower limbs. If the disease is serious, the purpura can affect their hips. It is really seen on their belly and does not affect their chest and neck or head. Usually the patients only have mild itch or do not have.

3. Joint damage

About half of the patients have joint damage after the appearance of skin purpura, but some may occur before skin purpura. The patients with Purpura Nephritis mainly have joint damage in their large joints such as knee joints, ankle joints and so on.

4. Gastrointestinal lesions

Gastrointestinal symptoms often appear after the appearance of skin purpura and aggravates with the increasing of skin purpura. However, sometimes gastrointestinal symptoms may also appear before skin purpura. The patients usually have bellyache around navel, inferior belly or total belly. What’s worse, some patients are also accompanied with nausea, vomit and blood in stool.

After people are affected by Purpura, not all of them have renal damage. However, everyone has the possibility. Therefore, for the patients with Purpura, they should go to do renal function test regularly so as to find their renal damage and receive treatment in the first time.

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