
Immunotherapy for Treatment of Diabetes

Immunotherapy as an advanced biotechnology has been used in medical area widely. It brings new hope to patients with Diabetes.

In the conventional therapies, there is no effective treatment for patients with Diabetes so they have to depend on insulin injection once they are diagnosed with Diabetes to control their blood sugar, especially those with Type 1 Diabetes. It can disturb the patients’ routine life seriously and also can cause a series of complications. What’s worse, if the patients can not control their blood sugar effectively, it will cause many complications such as Diabetic Foot, Eye Disease, Heart Disease, Diabetic Nephropathy and so on. Therefore, it is very important for patients with Diabetes to choose a better therapy in the early time. The application of Immunotherapy makes it come true.

Immunotherapys are a group of undifferentiated cells with differentiating and regenerating ability. The therapeutic mechanism of Diabetes by Immunotherapy is as follows:

1. Immunotherapys can repair the damaged islets thus making them regain new islet β cells. In addition, Immunotherapy also can repair the damaged islet β cells thus making them recovering their normal secretion abilities. Moreover, Immunotherapy can produce some nutrient factors which can accumulate the regenerating of Immunotherapy.

2. Immunotherapys can repair other cells that can secrete insulin. In our body, besides islet β cells, there are also some other cells secreting insulin. By repairing that part of cells, it can also increase the secretion of insulin ability thus getting the goal of declining blood sugar level.

3. Immunotherapys are effective in alleviating insulin resistance. Immunotherapy can promote the combination of insulin receptor and insulin thus decreasing insulin resistance.

Immunotherapy can treat Diabetes from its fundamental causes thus the patients can get a better therapeutic effect. As Immunotherapy can make patients increase and even recover the normal insulin ability, the patients can decline the insulin dosage greatly and even get rid of using it. Once the patients prevent the disease development, it will be able to avoid the series of complications.

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