
Can Proteinuria Prove that You Have Kidney Disease

Proteinuria is a common symptom of Kidney Disease. Therefore, many people worry that they have Kidney Disease when their urine test shows positive proteinuria. In fact, not all proteinuria can prove people have Kidney Disease.

In normal cases, people excrete less than 150mg urine protein per day. If the execration of urine protein is above 150mg it is called proteinuria. There are two types of proteinuria: biological proteinuria and biological proteinuria. Biological proteinuria is also called benign or transient proteinuria. Some normal people may have proteinuria in cases. But, this kind of proteinuria often does not last too long. This kind of proteinuria often occurs in the following situations.

1. Peudoproteinuria

For women, leucorrhea and some other secretion of vagina can pollute urine so they will have protein in urine.

2. Orthostatic proteinuria

This kind of proteinuria is mainly found among adolescents. When they lie low, proteinuria is negative. However, when they stand or walk, they will have a small quantity of protein in urine.

3. Functional proteiuria

Functional proteinuria often occurs in some stress states such as high fever, high temperature, and intense exercise and so on. In this case, the proteiuria will disappear after the stress states finish.

If your proteinuria does not belong to the above three cases, you are very likely to have kidney damage. It is caused by damaged renal intrinsic cells. Under normal conditions, our kidneys can block protein in blood from leaking into urine. However, if patients have kidney damage, their glomeruli and tubular lose their barrier function and reabsorbing function. Therefore, the protein will leak into urine.

Therefore, once you have proteinuria, you should make clear the its reason firstly. If so, you can adopt relative treatment against its root cause.

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