
Is There a Cure for Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD)

Is there a cure for Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD)? Every patient with PKD must be concerned about this issue very much. In fact, as a genetic disease, there is no cure for the disease at all. However, you should not feel disappointed or depressed for if you can receive effective treatment and prevent the disease progression, you will be able to live a normal live.

In the western medicines, there is no effective cure for PKD at all. When the cysts are small, they do not cause symptoms so the patients can not find the disease or do not pay attention to the disease at all for they do not have any uncomfortable feelings. However, with PKD progression, the cysts will enlarge persistently thus causing oppression to the surrounding renal tissues, which can cause renal ischemia and anoxia. Afterwards, the patients will have a series of symptoms such as high blood pressure, hematuria, proteinuria and so on. At that time, their doctors may prescript some medicines to treat those symptoms or ask their patients to receive operation to shrink their enlarged cysts. Maybe sometimes, the patients’ symptoms can be remitted in a short time temporarily. However, those therapies are not aiming at treating the fundamental cause of the disease so they can not prevent their decline in renal function at all. Based on some researches, about 50% of patients with PKD will develop into End Stage Renal Failure.

For patients with PKD, the enlarged cysts are the main causes of their decline in renal function. Therefore, what the patients with PKD do is to prevent the cysts from enlarging and then shrink the big cysts. After achieving the above goal, the oppression caused by the enlarged cysts will be eliminated. Therefore, the renal ischemia and anoxia will improve, which can prevent the further decline in renal function. After PKD stops progressing, the patients should repair their damaged renal cells so as to improve their renal function to some extent. Therefore, the patients can live with PKD normally if they can receive proper treatment in time.

PKD as a genetic disease, what the patients can do now is to prevent its development and decline the damage to their kidneys so as to improve their living quality. There is no cure for PKD at all so the patients should keep a reasonable opinion on this disease. The earlier treatment they receive, the better prognosis they will get. If you are still do not how to deal your PKD, you can consult us on line or email to kidney-treatment@hotmial.com. Although our therapy is not a cure for PKD, it will certainly provide you a favorable therapeutic effect.

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