
What are Autosomal Dominate Polycystic Kidney Disease and Its Symptoms

Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) is a genetic cystic kidney disorder. There are two types of PKD: Autosomal Dominant PKD (ADPKD) accounting for about 90% of PKD and the less-common Autosomal Recessive PKD. Autosomal Dominant PKD (ADPKD) characterized with enormous fluid-filled cysts on both of kidneys. In most cases, the symptoms of ADPKD develop between the ages of 30 and 40, but some can develop earlier, even in their children. Therefore, ADPKD is also called Adult PKD.
Generally speaking, the earlier the symptoms appear, the worse its prognosis will be. With Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease (ADPKD), the patients will have a series of symptoms. As follows: Autosomal Dominant PKD (ADPKD)

1. High blood pressure

High blood pressure is the most important risk factor in Autosomal Dominant PKD (ADPKD). Occasionally, the patients may develop headache related to high blood pressure. With the cysts enlarging, they will oppress the neighboring nephrons thus causing renal ischemia and anoxia. Then it can stimulate the kidneys to secrete more renin which plays an important role in controlling blood pressure. As a result, the blood pressure will rise.

2. Back or flank pain

With the cysts enlarging, they will oppress the surrounding tissues and cause stretching of the kidney fibrosis tissues so the patients will have pain in their back or flank. Usually, the patients only have slight pain. However, if the cysts rupture or have infection, the pain will become sever suddenly.

3. Blood in urine

If the patients with Autosomal Dominant PKD (ADPKD) do not receive effective treatment in time to prevent the cysts enlargement, they are very likely to rupture. As the cysts’ surface are covered with small blood capillaries, the blood will flow into urine. Moreover, if the patients are accompanied with cyst infection or kidney stone, they will also have blood in urine.

4. An increased size of the abdomen

With the disease developing persistently, the cysts will profoundly enlarge the kidneys. The patients can touch obvious masses on their abdomen. The enlarged cysts can replace much of the normal structure, resulting in reduced kidney function and leading to Kidney Failure.

As PKD is the fourth leading cause of Kidney Failure, it is very important for patients to receive effective treatment in time. Especially for people with a family history of PKD, they should take regular check so as to find whether they are affected by the disease and receive treatments in the first time. If you want to get a personalized treatments schedule according to your disease condition, please consult us on line or email to kidney-treatment@hotmail.com.

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