
The Reasons for the Development of Diabetic Nephropathy

As a complication of diabetes, Diabetic Nephropathy is caused by damage to the tiniest blood vessels. When small blood vessels appear damages gradually, both kidneys begin to leak proteins into the urine. Over time, the kidneys will lose their ability to remove wastes from the blood. Then what causes Diabetic Nephropathy?

1. Long-term hyperglycemia in Diabetes

Type 1 Diabetes. Up to 40% of people with this disease ultimately develop significant kidney disease, which sometimes need to receive dialysis or a kidney transplant.

Type 2 Diabetes. About 20%~30% of persons with this type will develop at least some kidney damage, and 4%~6% of patients end up requiring dialysis.

2. High blood pressure

Consequence of hyperglycemia is hypertension (high blood pressure), which also affects the kidneys.

With high sugar and high blood pressure, the kidneys are unable to function adequately, and substances that must be removed by the kidneys, finally accumulate in the body causing its poisoning.

3. Hereditary factor

For people who had been violations of the kidneys, the risk of Diabetic Nephropathy increases.

Initially, patients with Diabetic Nephropathy may present not any discomfort, so patients are often found with the last stages of Diabetic Nephropathy, which is almost impossible to cure the disease. Therefore, timely investigation and detection of early signs of kidney disease in Diabetes is of great importance.

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