
Exercise in Diabetic Nephropathy

Diabetic Nephropathy affects 40% of type Ⅰand type Ⅱ diabetic patients and is the leading cause of end-stage renal disease (ESRD). The risk of death also increases mainly due to cardiovascular disorders. The earliest clinical evidence of nephropathy is microalbuminuria.

Renal damage can be caused by accumulation of advanced glycosylation end products and changes in glomerular mesangium structure, so regulation of blood glucose levels can ameliorate the Diabetic Nephropathy progression. Exercise can improves glycemic control and decrease mortality from cardiovascular diseases in diabetics, so patients should do regular and proper exercises while receiving medical treatment.

The following are some suggestions and hope they can be helpful to you:

Firstly, people with initial diabetic kidney disease (microalbuminuria >20 mg/min) or obvious diabetic kidney disease (>200 mg/min) can mainly have proper aerobic exercise like walking. Regular exercise and walk would keep your sugar level balanced.

Secondly, if you have protein in the urine, it is necessary to undergo a cardiovascular assessment and avoid strenuous, high-intensity exercise programs. Low- to moderate-intensity activity is suggested to you.

Besides doing regular exercises, successful management of your condition also include taking medicines to control the blood pressure and remedy protein in the urine, keep the blood sugar within a target range (70~130 mg/dL before meals, 110~150 mg/dL at bedtime, and less than 180 mg/dL one to two hours after meals). If the disease progresses to kidney failure eventually, your doctor may suggest the dialysis treatment or a kidney transplant to sustain your life.

Based on 26 years' experience and expertise in kidney disease treatment, the nation's top experts develop the latest treatment-immunotherapy, which combines modern western medical technology with Chinese medicine. We personalize your care to include the most-advanced treatments with no side effects. If you have been diagnosed with Diabetic Nephropathy, we are here to help.

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