
Recognizing the Signs and Symptoms of Nephrosis

Nephrosis is a medical term for a condition that damages the kidneys, known as Nephrotic Syndrome. This disease occurs when the kidneys fail to function adequately to filter waste or remove excessive fluid from the body. Since the filtering system is impaired, imbalance of proteins and urine within the body can be caused. Left untreated, Nephrosis may lead to infections, heart and kidney failure. Recognizing the signs and symptoms of this disorder may help provide prompt treatment as early as possible.

The first symptom is often frothy, or foamy urine. As the illness progresses, swelling, or edema will develop in the eyelids, hands, feet, knees, abdomen, and scrotum. Patient may feel increasingly weak and fatigued and loss of appetite. Over time, shrinking and weaken muscles may appear due to gradual loss of proteins. The patient may also suffer from abdominal pain, high blood pressure, and difficulty breathing.

Too much loss of protein can unfortunately result in general malnutrition. Your nails and hair become brittle, and the growth is stunted. You may have weak bones, and your body will begin to lose some important nutrients such as calcium, sugar, and potassium. Serious complications of Nephrosis include infection and blood clots. In some cases, Acute Renal Failure may be caused.

All the above signs and symptoms appear due to damage of the glomeruli-tiny filters of the kidney. This filters becomes defective, allowing massive protein to leave the blood circulation and pass out of the body in the urine. So in order to eliminate your discomforts permanently, we must repair the damaged glomeruli.
Based on 26 years' clinical experiences and expertise in treating Nephrotic Syndrome, the nation's top experts in our hospital develop the latest treatment-immunotherapy. This therapy combines the advantages of Chinese-Western medicine, so it can guarantee the most effective curative effects.

Long-Distance Video Experts Consultation is Now Under Way. This is a good chance to freely evaluate your condition by the nation's top nephrologists.

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