Healthy kidneys play several vital functions, such as filter blood, remove
waste products from the body, balances the body's fluids, and releases hormones
that regulate blood pressure. A number of diseases and conditions can damage the
kidney's filtering apparatus, like diabetes and immune disorders. This damage
leads to a condition called Nephrotic Syndrome, which is featured by
proteinurina, high cholesterol and triglycerides, and edema. Persons with
Nephrotic Syndrome may develop high blood pressure at advanced stage.
What causes high blood pressure in Nephrotic Syndrome?
Kidneys can filter roughly 150~200 quarts of blood every day through tiny
structures known as nephrons. There are around one million nephrons in each
kidney, and each nephron consists of a glomerulus, the filtering unit of blood
vessels. Blood passes through the glomerulus, where various substances are
either restrained or removed from the filtrate as necessary. In most cases,
filtered sodium and fluid is excreted.
In Nephrotic Syndrome, high blood pressure may occur due to damages to the
glomeruli in the kidney's nephrons. When the capillaries of the kidneys are
impaired, there will exists a short supply of blood and oxygen in the
There is an aotomatic system within our body which can control the blood
pressure, called renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS). In case of renal
ischemia and anoxia, RAAS system can be activated, so the secretion of renin
increases, leading to the increase of angiotensin II activity and the striction
of arteriolar walls, and then result in high blood pressure.
High blood pressure will in turn causes deterioration of the kidney damages
in Nephrotic Syndrome. In repaid deterioration cases, Renal Failure, or even
end-stage renal disease can be the result. Therefore, we need to treat high
blood pressure in Nephrotic Syndrome as soon as possible.
In China, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is applied to improve the blood
circulation, remove the blood stasis, thus reducing high blood pressure
consequently. As a Chinese herbal medicine, it has not any side effects, so
Micro-Chinese Medicine has been adopted by more and more persons with kidney