
How Much Water can a Dialysis Patient Drink

How much water you can drink is dependent on individual condition. Generally, the principle is to keep a balance.

Firstly, for patient who undergo kidney dialysis once a week, the intake of water should be urine output in 24h + 100ml. If you do not have urine, the water intake should be no more than 100ml per day.

Secondly, for patient who do dialysis two times per week, the intake of water should be urine output in 24h + 300ml. If you don't have urine output, the water intake should be no more than 300ml per day.

Finally, for patient who receive dialysis three times a week, the intake of water should be urine output in 24h + 500ml. If you have no urine, the water intake should be no more than 500ml per day.

The goal of water intake restriction is to help you feel comfortable before, during and after your dialysis sessions. Excessive fluid may build up may causes swelling and elevated blood pressure, which make your heart work harder. Water retention in the lungs can lead to breath problems. Therefore, you need to take the restriction of water seriously.

Besides, there are many helpful hints to manage your thirst during dialysis. You can consult our online experts if you need any help.

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