
What Causes Shortness of Breath in IgA Nephropathy

Shortness of breath (also known as difficulty in breathing, breathlessness, or dyspnea) is one of the most unpleasant conditions a person can experience. Shortness of breath may keep people awake at night or unable to do the simplest of tasks. Patients with advanced IgA Nephropathy may experience this symptom due to various mechanisms related to different problems in the body. Continue reading to find out the exact cause.

Anemia. This refers to a deficiency of red blood cells, which usually develops early in kidney disease and worsens as Renal Failure develops. Because the red cells carry oxygen, when their amount is extremely low, the oxygen demands of the body will not be met, resulting in shortness of breath.

Blood pressure changes. Electrolytes function to maintain blood volume, which impacts the blood pressure. Two important electrolytes, sodium and potassium work together to balance fluid level. An imbalance in these two minerals can lead to increased blood volume, which causes the increase of blood pressure, or decreased blood volume, causing low blood pressure. High blood pressure makes the heart to work harder, which requires more oxygen, causing a patient feel difficulty in breathing. Low blood pressure reduces the flow of oxygen to the cells, which can also result in shortness of breath.

Lung problems. Kidney disease can cause extra fluid to build up in the lungs and the body and impaired oxygen exchange in the lungs, patients may experience breathlessness in the advanced stages of IgA Nephropathy.

Anxiety disorder. Anxiety is occasionally accompanied by heavy and rapid breathing, or hyperventilation. Dyspnea often resolves once the anxiety episode ends.

Whatever the reason, the circumstance that is producing the shortness of breath in IgA Nephropathy should be determined in order to treat the underlying cause thus alleviating the problem. If you need any help, send an email to kidney-treatment@hotmail.com. We will try our best to help you!

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