
Alternative Treatment Option for Type 1 Diabetes in Chinese Medicine

"My 6-year-old son was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes in November 2011. On November 9th, he became extremely ill with flu symptoms and fever and did not get better, after a couple of days he became very thirsty, nausious and lethargic and was admitted to hospital with blood sugar 33. We are currently treating him with insulin injection. Please be so kind as to forward information regarding alternative Chinese treatment."

For your son's condition, he needs to take a systematic treatment. In Chinese medicine, we adopt Immunotherapy. A general idea about the disease and therapy is given as below.

Type 1 Diabetes is an auto-immnue disease caused by the damage of pancreas β cells. So if your son wants to stop taking medicines, he needs to repair his pancreas β cells and ehance his immnue system. Without a stong immune system, the disease will always relapse ( fever, cold and so on).

At present, your son just got the disease less than 1 year and the disease didn't cause other complications, timely treatment can get better curative effects and it is easy for your son to recover.

Immunotherapy is the best treatment for auto-immune disease such as Type 1 Diabetes. The treatment procedure includes 4 steps:

1. Immune diagnosis. Specific tests can help us check the exact damaged part and the damaged degree of your son's pancreas.

2. Immnue block. Type 1 Diabetes is often caused by infection or virus intrusion, which causes the body to produce unusual body fluid and cellular immune response, leading to damage of β cells. So we need to stop all of these virus substances by improving your son's immnunity.

3. Immune adjustment. β cells damage is mainly cuased by T cells invision. In this step, we need to adjust your son's immune system.

4. Immune repairment. Once your son has a good inner blood inviroment and immune system, we need to take measures to repair the damaged β cells.

Immunotherapy is a systematic treatment for Type 1 Diabetes. Once your son recovers, with careful care, the curative effects will be kept. Specific treatment plan can be made by our experts based on your son's personalized condition. You can send an email to kidney-treatment@hotmail.com for further contact.

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