
How to Get Rid of Swollen Feet and Legs Caused by PKD

Individuals afflicted with Polycystic Kidney Disease may produce many cysts in the kidneys that fill with fluid and grow and multiply with age. Eventually, these cysts take over the normal kidney tissue and normal functions are compromised. When the kidneys are unable to function well, patients will likely experience many symptoms. Swollen feet and legs can be seen in some people with PKD. What can they do to get rid of this problem?

Swollen feet and legs in PKD may occur when the kidneys fail to function adequately to remove excess water from the body. While this condition is not painful, it can be uncomfortable and swelling may make it difficult to put on socks or shoes for them to fit properly. Remedies for reducing this symptoms include as below:

Low-salt diet

High salt intake can contribute to swelling by causing the body to retain water. Practicing a diet low in salt can reduce the swelling. Therefore, avoid foods high in salt, such as convenience foods, table salt, etc.

Diuretic medicines

Diuretics help increase the output of urine to excrete water and sodium, reducing swollen feet and legs. Pay attention to use these medications carefully and avoid kidney impairment due to excessive use.

Chinese herbal remedy

Chinese herbal remedy known as Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy has been applied for 26 years to relive the symptoms of PKD fundamentally. This is a natural treatment which can take effect to repair the kidney damage through inhibit the enlargement of renal cysts and shrink them in size over time. It is very convenient to carry out this therapy, and patients only need to lay on their back. Specific prescription is used depending on individual disease condition to guarantee the best treatment effects. For PKD patients with swollen feet and legs, Chinese herbal remedy is a good choice.

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