
What causes Anemia in People with Diabetic Nephropathy

Anemia has been recently recognized as a frequent complication of Diabetic Nephropathy, appearing earlier than in non-diabetic kidney disease. In this text, we will discuss about the cause of anemia in DN.


Anemia occurs when there is a short supply of red blood cells. Hemoglobin is the part of RBCs that carries oxygen throughout the body, giving people the energy they need for their daily activities.

The normal range of hemoglobin is 12.0 for women and 13.5 for men. Anemia may happen if there is lower level of hemoglobin measured by the doctor.


For a person with DN who develops anemia, he may experience symptoms, such as feeling of tiredness, look pale, poor appetite, difficulty sleep, dizziness, headaches, rapid heartbeat, short of breath, feel depressed, etc.

What causes anemia in DN?

1. Declining kidney function

The kidneys can make an important hormone known as erythropoietin, or EPO. EPO tells the bone marrow to make red blood cells. When people get affected by Diabetes and kidney disease, their kidneys are unable to make enough EPO. This results in the drop of red blood cell count, so anemia develops.

Most patients with renal disease will develop anemia, and it can happen early in the course of Diabetic Renal Disease and grow worse as the damaged kidneys lost their ability to work well and make EPO.

2. A poor diet

Patients may become anemic if they do not eat healthy foods with adequate vitamin B12, folic acid and iron. The body need these important vitamins and minerals to help make RBCs.

Before starting anemia treatment, we must find the exact cause of anemia in DN. Then, corresponding option can be adopted to eliminate this complication.

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