
What Kinds of Fruits and Vegetables Are Good for Patients with Diabetic Nephropathy

It is not enough for patients with Diabetic Nephropathy to take only medical treatment for their recovery. Diet conditioning is indispensable. Patients should eat high-protein foods, such as fish, egg and meat. Fruits and vegetables are suitable for patients. What kinds of fruits and vegetables are the best choices?

1. Cucumber
Cucumber is rich in vitamins and minerals with medical value. Fresh cucumber inhibits carbohydrate translating into fat, so cucumber can help lose weight. Cucumber has hypoglycemic effect. Diabetics can eat cucumber for it can’t increase blood sugar. Besides, cucumber can help to reduce swelling.

2. Wolfberry
Wolfberry has the effect of antihypertensive, lowering cholesterol and blood sugar. Wolfberry can treat impotence, seminal emission, liver and kidney deficiency, dizziness, head faint, blurred vision. It is edible and can be medicine.

3. Squash
Squash has the function of relieving restlessness and thirst, diuretic, lung coughs and reducing swelling. It can be used for adjuvant treatment of diabetic edema and abdominal distension. Besides squash has the function of moist skin and eliminating the mutation of carcinogens.

4. Mushroom
Mushroom, containing more dietary fiber, can treat Diabetes. Mushroom is one of the choices for patients with Diabetes and liver disease. Mushroom can decompose protein and digest fat, so when diabetics are indigestive, they can eat mushroom. More importantly, if you can not distinguish whether the mushroom is wild mushroom, you mustn’t eat because of toxins.

In addition, patients also can eat fruits which are helpful for patients of Diabetic Nephropathy, such as apples, strawberry and tomatoes. But they shouldn’t eat bananas, red dates and watermelon because of the sugar content in them.

Hope what mentioned above is helpful to you. If you want to know more about daily diet or other things about Diabetic Nephropathy.

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