
How to Lower High BUN Level in PKD

BUN along with creatinine level is an important index in reflecting renal function. High BUN level may be seen in many cases of Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD). The level of BUN goes up with renal function deterioration. Therefore, the patients with PKD are very concerned about how to lower BUN level.
Firstly, how high BUN level occurs in PKD?

In PKD, numerous cysts usually develop within both of kidneys. Over time, the cysts increase both in size and numbers. Afterwards, the enlarged cysts compress the surrounding renal arteries and/or kidney tissues, thus result in necrosis and damage of renal functional cells. Additionally, impaired kidneys can disorder the normal production of renin which can regulate blood pressure. As a result, high blood pressure occurs. High blood pressure is an important factor in aggravating renal function. As the kidneys are damaged, they fail to filter out the metabolic wastes from body, which can cause accumulation of metabolic wastes in kidneys. Urea is the products of proteins and it is normally excreted by kidneys. Impaired kidney function can cause high BUN level.

How to lower BUN level?
As urea is the end products, it is very important for the patients with PKD to reduce the intake of foods high in proteins. In this way, it can reduce the production of wastes and reduce strain on kidneys. However, it only has mild effect in reducing the BUN level.

As high BUN level is due to failed kidneys, the primary treatment goal is to restore the impaired kidneys and recover their function. In the present, immunotherapy is adopted to restore impaired kidneys to improve renal function. Once kidneys recover the normal excretory function, the BUN level will reduce gradually and naturally. Meanwhile, the relative symptoms like high blood pressure, increased creatinine level, etc will also recover.

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