
How to Lower BUN in Renal Insufficiency

BUN test along with creatinine test is primarily used to evaluate kidney function. Increased BUN suggests impaired kidney function. So, the patients with Renal Insufficiency are very concerned about how to lower BUN level.

In right condition, kidneys can filter the metabolic wastes and extra fluid out of body as well as preserve useful stuff in body. Urea is the end products of protein in body and it is filtered out of body by kidneys normally. If people have a large amount of foods high in protein, it will cause transient increasing in BUN level. However, the level will recover normal once the diet is changed.
However, in Renal Insufficiency, the BUN concentration is elevated by excessive protein breakdown. For strong compensatory capacity of kidneys, BUN level starts to rise until more than 50% of renal function is lost. Increased urea nitrogen can put substantial strain on kidneys and aggravate deterioration in renal function.

As protein in body is mainly from what we eat, reducing protein intake plays a vital role in reducing BUN level. The recommended daily diet intake is 0.6~0.75 g/kg body weight every day in 1~4 stages of Renal Insufficiency and 1.2g/ kg body weight on hemodialysis and 1.2~1.3 g/kg body weight every day on peritoneal dialysis.

However, diet alone is not enough to manage BUN level at all for the underlying cause is not eliminated at all. If the impaired kidneys in Renal Insufficiency is not restored, the BUN level will rise up persistently day by day.
Therefore, to lower BUN, the primary treatment goal of Renal Insufficiency is to rebuild the kidney structure and recover renal function. In early time, the renal function can be reversed completely by proper treatment. If the disease has developed advanced stage, it is difficult to reverse renal function completely, but the renal function can be improved remarkably by effective treatment. That is why the patients are advocated to receive treatment as early as possible.

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