
How can I Stop Protein in Urine with Nephrotic Syndrome Naturally

Protein is one of the three main chemicals that make up human body and an important part of the plasma of the blood, so the body does not want to lose it. When the body remove waste products through the kidneys, proteins are kept in the blood, because they are too large to pass through the tiny holes in the kidney filters - Glomeruli. However, in Nephrotic Syndrome, the filters are damaged and protein can pass into the urine.

How does protein in urine occur in NS?

The glomeruli act as filters to eliminate waste products from the blood stream, which is then excreted from the body in the urine. In NS, an immune disease, the abnormal immune system attacks and damages the glomeruli, and these filters become defective and leak, allowing 3 grams or more of protein to get lost into the urine when measured over a 24-hour period, which is more than 20 times the amount that healthy glomeruli allow.

What are the complications of protein in urine with NS?

Edema. Protein in the blood acts to prevent water entering the body's cells. Decreased serum protein levels lead water leaks into body tissue, causing swelling (oedema).

Hypertension, or high blood pressure. Kidney disease commonly result in high blood pressure. This increases the risk of further renal disease, also the risk of heart attack and stroke.

High cholesterol level in the blood. If this exists over a period of years, there is an increased risk of a heart attack.

How can I stop protein in urine with NS naturally?

The underlying cause of this problem is treatable with the latest Immunotherapy. With this systemic therapy, patients can get rid of Urine Protein naturally.

Immunotherapy aims at treat kidney problems from the perspective of regulating the immune system. So it is a fundamental solution. With this treatment, the damaged glomeruli can be repaired over time, and symptoms of NS will disappear naturally.

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