
Chinese Treatment for Renal Failure and Kidney Atrophy: Immunotherapy

Kidney Atrophy is a kidney condition, wherein the kidneys are shrinking in size due to the inadequate circulation or loss of renal functional units-nephrons. The loss of kidney function can also lead to the shrink the renal veins and arteries. For Renal Failure caused by atrophic kidney, conventional treatment is kidney dialysis. However, a promising treatment has been development in Chinese medicine known as Immunotherapy. People can successfully avoid or get rid of dialysis if they can take prompt treatment.

Dialysis for Kidney Atrophy

This is a common renal replacement therapy in treating kidney disease. It can help discharge the toxins of the body, and then lower high levels of creatinine, BUN, etc. But after all, it can just help relieve the symptoms not improve patient's renal function.

If the patients still have urine output, Chinese medicine can help them to repair the damaged kidney and improve the kidney function, thus avoiding the dialysis.

What is Immunotherapy?

This is a brand new therapy for kidney disease treatment. It is developed by the nation's top nephrologists in our hospital on the basis of 26 years' experiences and expertise in treating a wide range of kidney diseases. As a systemic treatment, it can treat the diseases kidneys through regulating the overall immune system.

How to treat Renal Failure and kidney atrophy with Immunotherapy?

Actually, over 95% of kidney diseases are auto-immune diseases. Excessive immune reaction produces too much immnue complexes, and they deposited in the kidney, leading to the inflammation of the kidney. Eventually, the functional cells (nephrons) are damaged, so the kidneys can not be work very well.

Our treatment aims at blocking the excessive immune reaction, discharging the immune complexs in the kidney, repairing the damagd nephrons, and protecting the disordered immune system.

At present, Immunotherapy is the most effects therapy for atrophic kidney. If you are diagnose or have been suffering from this disease, you can try this new natural option with hope to live a normal life.

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