
Nephrotic Syndrome Patient from China Gets Well with Plasma Exchange

Name: Miss. Han
Gender: Female
Age: 24
Country: China
Admission time: May 25, 2012
Admission diagnosis: Chronic Glomerular Nephritis, Nephrotic Syndrome (glomerular minimal changes).

Condition before the treatment:

Miss. Han has been suffering from swelling in both limbs for more than 5 years. Now, she has elevated blood pressure (130/90mmHg). She came to our hospital with severe swelling throughout her body.

Bp 130/90, Specific Gravity 1.018, Urine Protein 3+, 24-hour proteinuria 17.44, Albumin 13.2g/L, TRIG 1.42, HDL 3.55mmol/L, LDL 7.62mmol/L, Total Cholesterol 11.82

Treatment procedure:

Western medicines to control the symptoms and complications;

Plasma Exchange, 3 times to eliminate the immune complexes;

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy to remove the immune complex, repair kidney damage and restore the renal function.

Condition after the treatment:

After 20 days' treatment, Miss Han's condition gets significantly improved. Symptoms and complications are well controlled and kidney function improve greatly. With satisfactory treatment effects, Miss Han said that she will stick to continuous treatment in our hospital and cooperate well with our doctors for much better recovery.

Bp 120/70, Specific Gravity 1.025, Urine Protein -, 24-hour proteinuria 0.11, Albumin 36.1g/L, TRIG 1.86, HDL 2.41mmol/L, LDL 3.0mmol/L, Total Cholesterol 6.33.

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