
Why does A Person with Nephrotic Syndrome Develop Edema

Nephrotic Syndrome occurs as a result of various diseases and underlying disorders that damage the tiny filters of the kidneys - glomeruli, resulting in the occurrence of group of symptoms including edema (especially around the eyes, in the feet and hands), high blood cholesterol, and low blood protein levels. Here, we mainly talk about the causes of edema in NS.

A person with NS may suffer from edema mainly due to massive loss of protein in the urine. Disorders that may cause NS including membranous nephropathy, Diabetic Nephropathy, and FSGS, etc. They damage the glomeruli, small blood vessels that filter waste products and excessive fluid from the blood. As a result, big molecules like protein can be spilt out into the urine.

Due to too much protein loss in the urine, there is protein deficiency in the blood. Normal amounts of protein in the blood are necessary to help regulate the fluid all over the body. Normally, protein in teh blood draws water from the tissues and into the blood.

If the level of blood protein is low, the normal movement of water is reversed, and fluid is drawn from the blood and builds up in the tissues. This excessive accumulation of blood in tissues can lead to the puffiness and swelling (edema).
Moreover, the decrease of effective blood volume can also lead to the occurrence of swelling. The effective blood volume reduces drastically because of plasma water's moving. Consequently, changes as below may occur:

Increased ADH → rises of water reabsorption of renal tubules;

Adopt RAA method → secondary hyperaldosteronism → increase of sodium reabsorption of renal tubules → inhibit the production of natriuretic factors → less sodium is discharged → water and sodium retention → aggravated edema in NS.

Recognizing the cause of edema is a significant milestone toward successful treatment. Is there still anything unclear? Call +86 311 8926-1580 or email to kidney-treatment@hotmail.com.

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