IgA Nephropathy is a circulating immune complex glomerulonephritis wherein
there is glomerular trapping of predominantly IgA immune complexes. Proper
working out is often necessary to help slow down the progression of the
Benefits of regular working out
▪ Improve the heart function;
▪ Better control of blood pressure;
▪ Improve muscle strength;
▪ Help with anxiety and depression.
Working out of IgAN
Without other medical contraindications to exercise, patients are often
recommended to have a moderate to vigorous working out like walking, cycling,
golfing, etc. This can stimulate the cardiovascular system.
Meanwhile, avoid demanding exercises like basketball, tennis, etc that may
worsen symptoms like protein and blood in the urine. Heavy contact sports should
also be avoided, as it can cause direct injury to the kidneys.
Replacing fluid when you exercise
When you exercise enough to sweat, you may need to replace fluids lost
through perspiration. People with advanced stages of kidney disease are often
required to limit the fluid intake due to water retention, so they should be
careful with the way they re-hydrate. Consult the doctor about what and how much
to drink during or after your workouts.
In general, there are few limitations, and patients are advised to ask their
nephrologists about the physical activities. Meanwhile, they should quit smoking
or drinking alcohol, make more healthy diet choices, through working out, live
an active lifestyle. People with IgA Nephropathy can enjoy many physical and
psychological benefits of exercising.