
Home Made Remedies for RBCs in Urine of IgA Nephritis

The medical term for red blood cells in the urine is hematuria. People with IgA Nephritis can have gross or microscopic hematuria. The presence of RBCs in the urine is found either through a dipstick test, or by examining the urine under a microscope. Here, we will talk about available home made remedies for this symptom.

RBCs in urine of IgA Nephritis

This is one of the most frequently seen symptoms of IgA Nephropathy. The presence of blood in the urine is either as scattered cells discernible only by chemical tests (microhematuria), or visible to the eye as a darkening of the urine (macro- or gross hematuria).

Rarely in episodes of gross hematuria does the urine look red or bloody; usually it is tea-colored or smoky. There may also have a strong smell. An episode's length is different from case to case, but most last a few days.

This symptom will possibly have recurrence at intervals ranging from months or years, with the intervals growing longer over time. Episodes are often closely related to a respiratory infection, less frequently with an infection of gastrointestinal tract, strenuous exercise, or vaccination.

Home made remedies for RBCs in urine of IgA Nephritis

▪ Consume vegetable such as bitter gourd on a daily basis. It can be ate in its natural form or take in juice form.

▪ Plenty of water should be taken. Drink a mixture of mashed pumpkin and sugar cane juice.

▪ Amla and pomegranate can be taken in any form, which are very helpful.

▪ Include bland meat soup in daily diet at home.

▪ Avoid hot and spicy foods. Alcohol and other drinks should be avoided. The patient must totally abstain from sexual intercourse.

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