
Urinary Changes of People with Diabetes and Kidney Disease

Diabetic Nephropathy is a chronic renal disease caused by long-term and uncontrolled Diabetes. Unfortunately, clinical signs and symptoms of this disorder are difficult to detect until nearly all function is gone. Recognizing the urinary changes of Diabetes and kidney disease can help us make an early detection and take prompt treatment.

In this disease, kidney damage occurs in the nephrons, the functional units of the kidney, which consist of a capillary network known as glomeruli. The glomeruli are responsible for filtering waste products, control blood pressure, and regulate electrolytes, etc. Due to the kidneys' inability to function properly, patients with Diabetes and Kidney Disease may experience urinary changes as below.

▪ Protein in the urine

This is one of the first symptoms of diabetic kidney disease. The presence small amount of blood protein is also called albumin, which can be detected with a specific urine test. As the disease develops, more protein gets released into the urine and the kidney's filtering function begins to falter.

▪ Blood in the urine

Blood in the urine is also an early symptom of Diabetes and kidney disease. It is called hematuria. If the blood is unnoticeable, it is called micro-hematuria. If the condition is severe, it is called frank hematuria.

▪ Urinary patterns changes

Patients may also find change in their patterns of urination. These conditions include get up during the night to urinate (nocturia), urinate less often, or have dark colored urine. In some cases, they feel difficulty or pressure when urination. Some patients detect that their urine is full of bubbles or foams and pale, and in large amounts.

Renal Failure is more common amount type 2 diabetics, it can happen to type 1 as well. Fortunately, the likelihood of kidney failure can be minimized by having a good blood sugar control and treating the disease with effective therapy. If you need any help, feel free to talk with our online doctor.

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