
Natural Treatment for FSGS with Gout in China

"Prior to my husband finding out he has FSGS, he was diagnosed with Gout. His uric acid level was 12.2. He is now Stage 5 CKD, FSGS and not currently on dialysis. His GFR is approx. 15%. What treatment were you able to do? Any non medicine treatments available that don't hurt the kidneys?"

A natural remedy called Immunotherapy can treat FSGS and gout effectively with no side effect to the body. For people with CKD Stage 5, this therapy can also help them avoid dialysis with prompt treatment. So, you can consider resorting to this new therapy.

In order to give a detailed explanation of the treatment mechanism, let's firstly have a general knowledge about your disease.

How does your husband get gout and FSGS?

Both of the diseases are immunological diseases that occur due to immune disorder.

Gout occurs when the immune system mistakenly attacks native organs, especially joint, kidney and skin. With much blood uric acid, the crystal may block the narrow blood vessels or deposit in the joints. Patients may experience symptoms like pain with sudden onset, hot, red, swollen joint, particularly in the feet of the bog toe.

In FSGS, the patient's own immune system attacks the healthy kidney tissue and cells mistakenly, leading to symptoms like edema, Urine Protein, high blood pressure, etc.

Immunotherapy for gout and FSGS

Immunotherapy is the best treatment for autoimmune diseases like gout and FSGS. Under this treatment, patients can expect curative effects as below:

1. Symptoms including joint pain, protein in urine will be relieved;

2. Immune ability of the body gets improved. This therapy can rectify the immune dysfunction and regulate the immune system, thus avoiding further damage to native tissues;

3. Renal function can be significantly improved. While blocking further kidney damage, diseased renal intrinsic cells and tissues will get repaired over time, so kidney function can be largely recovered. Stage 5 CKD can even avoid dialysis in the future.

You can also call +86 311 8926-1580 or e-mail to kidney-support@hotmail.com for further details.

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