
What Causes High Blood Pressure in IgA Nephropathy

High blood pressure may develop in people with IgA Nephropathy. How do you get high blood pressure? Based on the mechanism, there are mainly two reasons as below:

1. Volume-dependent high blood pressure

For people with IgA Nephropathy whose renal parenchyma or renal blood vessels are damaged, the kidneys' ability to adjust fluid and sodium will be reduced. When the daily intake of water and sodium exceeds the excretion capacity of the body, water and sodium retention will occur, which may dilate the blood volume, causing high blood pressure.

2. Renin-dependent high blood pressure

In case of damage renal parenchyma or blood vessels, the kidney perfusion will continuously decrease, leading to insufficient supply of oxygen and blood. When renal ischemia and anoxia appear, the kidneys will secrete a series of substances which can cause elevated blood pressure. Among these substances, the most important one is renin produced by jaxtaglomerular cells.

Renin is one important member of the renin-angiotensin system. This system works together with the kidneys, is the body's most important long-term blood pressure regulating system. Other members include Angiotensin Ⅰ, Angiotensin Ⅱ, and Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE).

Renin floats around and converts inactive forms of angiotensin into angiotensin Ⅰ, which is able to alter the blood pressure to some degree, but it isn't strong enough to cause large changes.

When angiotensin I passes though pulmonary circulation, it will lose two amino acids under the influence of ACE, thus leading to the occurrence of angiotensin Ⅱ, a much more powerful hormone that does cause large changes in blood pressure.
Furthermore, angiotensin Ⅱalso can stimulate the release of aldosterone, inducing water and sodium retention. This increase, in turn, raising blood pressure.

High blood pressure can damage the kidneys and reduce the kidneys' ability to remove fluids and waste products from the blood, and can result in kidney failure. Once you develop this complication, you need to take effective measures to control it vigorously.

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