End-stage renal disease (ESRD) is the final and most serious stage of Renal
Failure. Generally, patients with this disease may have entire loss of kidney
function, or function below 10% of capacity. Toxins and other fluids will build
up in the body, resulting in severe symptoms. How long does it take for toxins
to build up?
In ESRD, toxins slowly build up in the body. Normally, kidneys can remove
these harmful substances from the body via the passage of urine. Most commonly,
these toxins measured include urea (BUN) and creatinine. The period of the
toxins accumulation depends on the deterioration of kidney function. With a
rapid loss of renal function, these substances will accumulate quickly,
resulting in some severe symptoms as below:
▪ Weight loss
▪ Muscle cramps
▪ Decreased alertness
▪ Nausea and vomiting
▪ Blood in the vomit or stools
▪ Discolored skin pigmentation
▪ Decreased sensationin the hands, feet, or other areas
▪ Significantly reduced output of urine or no urine output
Is there any treatments for the toxins building up in ESRD?
Usually, patients have to start frequently dialysis to remove toxins from the
body. Besides, kidney transplant is the most effective for patients. Both of
these treatments are costly and patients also suffer from many severe side
effects which can be fatal. So people are always trying to find better
The good news is that in 2012, immunotherapy is developed in China. So far,
it is the most effective treatment for kidney disease. As for ESRD patients,
latest immunotherapy can help to stop the deterioration of illness, protect the
healthy renal cells and tissues, improve the kidney function through restore the
damaged kidneys, and rebuild the immune system. With gradual improvement of
renal function, toxins will be excreted from the body effectively, and various
symptoms will disappear.