
Tingling or Numbness of Fingers and Hands in Diabetes

Individuals with Diabetes often have excessive amounts of blood glucose due to either a lack of insulin in the body or resistance to insulin. Insulin in the hormone used by the body to utilise glucose. This may result in a variety of damages to the body, one of which is nerve damage. In this case, patients may present a tingling or numbness sensation in the fingers and hands.

Tingling or numbness of the fingers and hands is a common and severe complication of Diabetes. For those who has had the disorder for 25 years or more, they are more prone to develop nerve damage throughout the body. Study shows that about 60~70 percent of people with this disease suffer from some type of Diabetic Neuropathy or nerve damage.

Some persons with nerve damage do not experience symptoms, and others may suffer from pain, tingling and numbness in the extremities. Besides, symptoms of diabetic neuropathy also include muscle wasting in the hands and feet, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea or constipation, dizziness, sexual dysfunction, generalized weakness, etc. Then, how do you develop these symptoms?

High levels of blood sugar can affect lining of blood vessels, thus making it rough. Due to rough blood vessels linings, fatty deposits will accumulate, resulting in arteriosclerosis. Nerves in the extremities are the most commonly affected. So, diabetics will experience tinging or numbness of fingers and hands. What are effective treatments for this problem?

The most effective measure is to bring blood glucose levels within the normal range which can help prevent further nerve damage. Conventional methods include dietary modification, blood glucose monitoring, regular exercise, and insulin or oral medicines, etc. These measures can only remedy the symptoms other than eliminate the root cause - malfunction or destroy of beta cells of the pancreas.

In China, the latest treatment for Diabetes 2012 is called Immunotherapy. Through regulating the overall immune system, the impairment of pancreas beta cells can be repaired. Once the pancreas is able to function as usually, your illness can be well treated. Symptoms like tingling or numbness of fingers and hands will disappear.

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