
Natural Treatment for High Blood Pressure in PKD

High blood pressure occurs when the pressure within the blood vessels is too high. This is also known as hypertension. Approximately 40% of PKD patients have elevated blood pressure by the time they are in their twenties. Over time, hypertension can result in severe health problems, such as Kidney Failure, stroke, and congestive heart failure. So, once people with PKD present high blood pressure, effective measures should be carried out to treat this condition.

How does hypertension occur in PKD?

In addition to removing waste products, our kidneys are also responsible for releasing some important hormones. One of these hormones is called renin, which regulates the blood pressure.

When the multiple renal cysts grow to big enough, they will compress the normal renal tissues and cause damage to the glomeruli-tiny filtering units of the kidneys. As a result, the glomeruli will secrete more renin, leading to elevated blood pressure.

Besides, with gradual kidney damage, the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) will decrease, causing the water and sodium retention as well as increased blood volume, which is combined with vasospasm. In this case, high blood pressure will appear.

Is there any natural therapy for hypertension in PKD?

In order to get rid of high blood pressure, we must find a thorough therapy for Polycystic Kidney Disease. If the renal cysts are shrunken, the cysts' compression on kidneys is reduced, the loss of kidney function is stopped, and the damaged kidneys get restored, we can achieve our goals.

The natural treatment known as Immunotherapy can help us realize these purposes. As the latest treatment for PKD 2012, immunotherapy can guarantee us a satisfactory result.

Firstly, Chinese herbal remedy, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, is externally used to help us slow down or even prevent the growth of renal cysts and then shrink them. Moreover, special ingredients can supply rich nutrients to accelerate the repairing of damaged kidneys. Then Immunotherapy are transfused into the body through veins. They can function to regenerate healthy renal cells and tissues to recover the kidney function gradually.

Immunotherapy is a natural treatment, and patients suffer no pain or side effects. If you are interested in our therapy, please contact our free service online.

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